Revenue - for the year 2014-15
Month Target for 2014-15 Moving Target Revenue for (2013-14) Revenue for (2014-15) Excess/Shortfall in Revenue over 2013-14  % Excess/Shortfall in Revenue over 2013-14 Actual Excess/Shortfall over Moving Target % Excess/Shortfall over Moving Target
During the Month Upto the Month During the Month Upto the Month During the Month Upto the Month During the Month Upto the Month
April 13609.34 702.08 545.72 545.72 702.69 702.69 156.97 156.97 28.76% 28.76% 0.62 0.09%
May   1429.25 780.75 1326.47 727.66 1430.35 -53.09 103.88 -6.80% 7.83% 1.10 0.08%
June   2246.86 795.53 2122 817.73 2248.08 22.2 126.08 2.79% 5.94% 1.22 0.05%
July   3103.62 784.57 2906.57 857.04 3105.12 72.47 198.55 9.24% 6.83% 1.50 0.05%
August   4049.59 825.44 3732.01 946.19 4051.31 120.75 319.3 14.63% 8.56% 1.72 0.04%
September   4921.98 785.31 4517.32 872.39 4923.7 87.08 406.38 11.09% 9.00% 1.72 0.03%
October   5745.61 933.93 5451.25 823.79 5747.49 -110.14 296.24 -11.79% 5.43% 1.88 0.03%
November   6717.00 886.48 6337.73 971.42 6718.91 84.94 381.18 9.58% 6.01% 1.91 0.03%
December   8090.91 852.41 7190.14 1374.1 8093.01 521.69 902.87 61.20% 12.56% 2.10 0.03%
January   9887.66 763.05 7953.19 1799.27 9892.28 1036.22 1939.09 135.80% 24.38% 4.62 0.05%
February   11579.26 849.93 8803.12 1691.67 11583.95 841.74 2780.83 99.04% 31.59% 4.69 0.04%
March   13609.34 985.97 9789.09 2030.25 13614.2 1044.28 3825.11 105.91% 39.08% 4.86 0.04%
Revenue - for the year 2015-16
Month Target for 2015-16 Moving Target Revenue for (2014-15) Revenue for (2015-16) Excess/Shortfall in Revenue over 2014-15  % Excess/Shortfall in Revenue over 2014-15 Actual Excess/Shortfall over Moving Target % Excess/Shortfall over Moving Target
During the Month Upto the Month During the Month Upto the Month During the Month Upto the Month During the Month Upto the Month
April 21500.00 1311.5 702.69 702.69 1725.49 1725.49 1022.8 1022.8 145.55% 145.55% 413.99 31.57%
May   2999.25 727.66 1430.35 1551.33 3276.82 823.67 1846.47 113.19% 129.09% 277.57 9.25%
June   4693.45 817.73 2248.08 1539.79 4816.61 722.06 2568.53 88.30% 114.25% 123.16 2.62%
July   6353.25 857.04 3105.12 1720.66 6537.27 863.62 3432.15 100.77% 110.53% 184.02 2.90%
August   8068.95 946.19 4051.31 1847.01 8384.28 900.82 4332.97 95.20% 106.95% 315.33 3.91%
September   9784.65 872.39 4923.7 1714.01 10098.29 841.62 5174.59 96.47% 105.10% 313.64 3.21%
October   11539.1 823.79 5747.49 1942.94 12041.23 1119.15 6293.74 135.85% 109.50% 502.18 4.35%
November   13297.8 971.42 6718.91 2019.41 14060.64 1047.99 7341.73 107.88% 109.27% 762.89 5.74%
December   15140.3 1374.1 8093.01 2100.63 16161.27 726.53 8068.26 52.87% 99.69% 1020.97 6.74%
January   17040.9 1799.27 9892.28 2449.64 18610.91 650.37 8718.63 36.15% 88.14% 1570.01 9.21%
February     1691.67 702.69     -1691.67 -702.69 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00 #DIV/0!
March     2030.25 702.69     -2030.25 -702.69 -100.00% -100.00% 0.00 #DIV/0!